.. _use_dill: Dill ==== .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: For some functions or tasks it can be useful to not rely on pickle, but on some more powerful serialization backends like dill_. ``dill`` isn't installed by default. See :ref:`dilldep` for more information on installing the dependencies. One specific example where ``dill`` shines is when using start method ``spawn`` (the default on Windows) in combination with iPython or Jupyter notebooks. ``dill`` enables parallelizing more exotic objects like lambdas and functions defined in iPython and Jupyter notebooks. For all benefits of ``dill``, please refer to the `dill documentation`_. Once the dependencies have been installed, you can enable it using the ``use_dill`` flag: .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, use_dill=True) as pool: ... .. note:: When using ``dill`` it can potentially slow down processing. This is the cost of having a more reliable and powerful serialization backend. .. _dill: https://pypi.org/project/dill/ .. _dill documentation: https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill