Source code for sai_airflow_plugins.operators.fabric_operator

from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models.baseoperator import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from fabric import Result
from invoke import Responder, StreamWatcher

from sai_airflow_plugins.hooks.fabric_hook import FabricHook

[docs]class FabricOperator(BaseOperator): """ Operator to execute commands on a remote host using the [Fabric]( library. It uses `FabricHook` for the connection configuration, which is derived from the standard `SSHHook`. The advantage of this operator over the standard `SSHOperator` is that you can add watchers that respond to specific command output. A number of predefined watchers are included in this operator. Note, however, that some of these require the FabricHook to be configured with a password and not a private key. :param fabric_hook: predefined fabric_hook to use for remote execution. Either `fabric_hook` or `ssh_conn_id` needs to be provided. :param ssh_conn_id: connection id from airflow Connections. `ssh_conn_id` will be ignored if `fabric_hook` is provided. (templated) :param remote_host: remote host to connect. (templated) Nullable. If provided, it will replace the `remote_host` which was defined in `fabric_hook` or predefined in the connection of `ssh_conn_id`. :param command: command to execute on remote host. (templated) :param watchers: Watchers for responding to specific command output. This is a list of dicts specifying a class of type ``StreamWatcher`` and its arguments. For each dict the corresponding object is created and added to Fabric's run function. It's done this way because arguments to an operator are pickled and StreamWatcher objects are derived from thread.local which can't be pickled. Example: >>> {"watchers": [{"class": Responder, "pattern": r"Continue\\?", "response": "yes\\n"}]} See also: :param add_sudo_password_responder: adds a responder for the sudo password prompt. It replies with the password of the SSH connection. Set this to True if your command contains one or more sudo statements. :param add_generic_password_responder: adds a responder for a generic password prompt. It replies with the password of the SSH connection. This is useful if you execute other ssh commands on the remote host, for example scp and rsync. :param add_unknown_host_key_responder: adds a responder for a host authenticity check with an unknown key. It replies ``yes`` to continue connecting. This is useful if you execute other ssh commands on the remote host, for example scp and rsync. :param connect_timeout: Connection timeout, in seconds. The default is 10. :param environment: a dict of shell environment variables. Note that the server will reject them silently if `AcceptEnv` is not set in SSH config. In such cases setting `inline_ssh_env` to True may help. (templated) :param inline_ssh_env: whether to send environment variables "inline" as prefixes in front of command strings (export VARNAME=value && mycommand here), instead of trying to submit them through the SSH protocol itself (which is the default behavior). This is necessary if the remote server has a restricted AcceptEnv setting (which is the common default). :param xcom_push_key: push stdout to an XCom with this key. If None (default), or stdout is empty, then no XCom will be pushed. :param get_pty: request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Set to ``True`` to have the remote process killed upon task timeout. The default is ``False`` but note that `get_pty` is forced to ``True`` when the `command` starts with ``sudo`` or `add_sudo_password_responder` is ``True``. """ template_fields = ("ssh_conn_id", "command", "remote_host", "environment") template_ext = (".sh",) ui_color = "#ebfaff" @apply_defaults def __init__(self, fabric_hook: Optional[FabricHook] = None, ssh_conn_id: Optional[str] = None, remote_host: Optional[str] = None, command: str = None, watchers: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, add_sudo_password_responder: Optional[bool] = False, add_generic_password_responder: Optional[bool] = False, add_unknown_host_key_responder: Optional[bool] = False, connect_timeout: Optional[int] = 10, environment: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, inline_ssh_env: Optional[bool] = False, xcom_push_key: Optional[str] = None, get_pty: Optional[bool] = False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fabric_hook = fabric_hook self.ssh_conn_id = ssh_conn_id self.remote_host = remote_host self.command = command self.watchers = watchers or [] self.add_sudo_password_responder = add_sudo_password_responder self.add_generic_password_responder = add_generic_password_responder self.add_unknown_host_key_responder = add_unknown_host_key_responder self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.environment = environment or {} self.inline_ssh_env = inline_ssh_env self.xcom_push_key = xcom_push_key self.get_pty = self.command and self.command.startswith("sudo") or self.add_sudo_password_responder or get_pty
[docs] def execute(self, context: Dict): """ Executes ``self.command`` over the configured SSH connection. :param context: Context dict provided by airflow :return: True or the connection's stdout if ``self.do_xcom_push`` is True. On an error, raises AirflowException. """ result = self.execute_fabric_command() if result.exited == 0: # Push the output to an XCom if requested if self.xcom_push_key and result.stdout: task_inst = context["task_instance"] task_inst.xcom_push(self.xcom_push_key, result.stdout) return True else: raise AirflowException(f"Command exited with return code {result.exited}. See log output for details.")
[docs] def execute_fabric_command(self) -> Result: """ Executes ``self.command`` over the configured SSH connection. :return: The `Result` object from Fabric's `run` method """ try: if self.fabric_hook and isinstance(self.fabric_hook, FabricHook): if self.ssh_conn_id:"ssh_conn_id is ignored when fabric_hook is provided.") if self.remote_host is not None:"remote_host is provided explicitly. It will replace the remote_host which was " "defined in fabric_hook.") self.fabric_hook.remote_host = self.remote_host elif self.ssh_conn_id:"fabric_hook is not provided or invalid. Trying ssh_conn_id to create FabricHook.") if self.remote_host is None: self.fabric_hook = FabricHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id, timeout=self.connect_timeout, inline_ssh_env=self.inline_ssh_env) else: # Prevent empty `SSHHook.remote_host` field which would otherwise raise an exception"remote_host is provided explicitly. It will replace the remote_host which was " "predefined in the connection specified by ssh_conn_id.") self.fabric_hook = FabricHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id, remote_host=self.remote_host, timeout=self.connect_timeout, inline_ssh_env=self.inline_ssh_env) else: raise AirflowException("Cannot operate without fabric_hook or ssh_conn_id.") if not self.command: raise AirflowException("SSH command not specified. Aborting.") conn = self.fabric_hook.get_fabric_conn() # Create watcher objects, using the provided dictionary to instantiate the class and supply its kwargs watchers = [] for watcher_dict in self.watchers: try: watcher_class = watcher_dict.pop("class") except KeyError:"Watcher class missing. Defaulting to {Responder}.") watcher_class = Responder if not issubclass(watcher_class, StreamWatcher): raise AirflowException( f"The class attribute of a watcher dict must contain a subclass of {StreamWatcher}." ) watcher = watcher_class(**watcher_dict) watchers.append(watcher) # Add predefined watchers if self.add_sudo_password_responder: watchers.append(self.fabric_hook.get_sudo_pass_responder()) if self.add_generic_password_responder: watchers.append(self.fabric_hook.get_generic_pass_responder()) if self.add_unknown_host_key_responder: watchers.append(self.fabric_hook.get_unknown_host_key_responder())"Running command: {self.command}") if self.environment: formatted_env_msg = "\n".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.environment.items())"With environment variables:\n{formatted_env_msg}") return command=self.command, pty=self.get_pty, env=self.environment, watchers=watchers, warn=True # don't directly raise an UnexpectedExit when the exit code is non-zero ) except Exception as e: raise AirflowException(f"Fabric operator error: {e}")