Source code for sai_airflow_plugins.hooks.mattermost_webhook_hook

import json
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.http_hook import HttpHook

[docs]class MattermostWebhookHook(HttpHook): """ This hook allows you to post messages to Mattermost using incoming webhooks. It takes either a Mattermost webhook token directly or a connection that has a Mattermost webhook token. If both are supplied, http_conn_id will be used as base_url, and webhook_token will be taken as endpoint, the relative path of the url. Each Mattermost webhook token can be pre-configured to use a specific channel, username and icon. You can override these defaults in this hook. This hook is based on `airflow.contrib.hooks.SlackWebhookHook` as the Mattermost interface is largely similar to that of Slack. :param http_conn_id: connection that optionally has a Mattermost webhook token in the extra field :param webhook_token: Mattermost webhook token. If http_conn_id isn't supplied this should be the full webhook url. :param message: The message you want to send on Mattermost :param attachments: The attachments to send on Mattermost. Should be a list of dictionaries representing Mattermost attachments. :param props: The props to send on Mattermost. Should be a dictionary representing Mattermost props. :param post_type: Sets an optional Mattermost post type, mainly for use by plugins. If supplied, must begin with ``custom_`` :param channel: The channel the message should be posted to :param username: The username to post with :param icon_emoji: The emoji to use as icon for the user posting to Mattermost :param icon_url: The icon image URL string to use in place of the default icon. :param proxy: Proxy to use to make the Mattermost webhook call :param extra_options: Extra options for http hook """ def __init__(self, http_conn_id: Optional[str] = None, webhook_token: Optional[str] = None, message: str = "", attachments: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, props: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_type: Optional[str] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, icon_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, proxy: Optional[str] = None, extra_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(http_conn_id=http_conn_id, *args, **kwargs) self.webhook_token = self._get_token(webhook_token, http_conn_id) self.message = message self.attachments = attachments self.props = props self.post_type = post_type = channel self.username = username self.icon_emoji = icon_emoji self.icon_url = icon_url self.proxy = proxy self.extra_options = extra_options or {} def _get_token(self, token: str, http_conn_id: str) -> str: """ Given either a manually set token or a conn_id, return the webhook_token to use. :param token: The manually provided token :param http_conn_id: The conn_id provided :return: webhook_token to use """ if token: return token elif http_conn_id: conn = self.get_connection(http_conn_id) extra = conn.extra_dejson return extra.get("webhook_token", "") else: raise AirflowException("Cannot get webhook token: no valid Mattermost webhook token nor conn_id supplied") def _build_mattermost_message(self) -> str: """ Construct the Mattermost message. All relevant parameters are combined here to a valid Mattermost json body. :return: Mattermost JSON body to send """ cmd = {} if cmd["channel"] = if self.username: cmd["username"] = self.username if self.icon_emoji: cmd["icon_emoji"] = self.icon_emoji if self.icon_url: cmd["icon_url"] = self.icon_url if self.attachments: cmd["attachments"] = self.attachments if self.props: cmd["props"] = self.props if self.post_type: cmd["type"] = self.post_type cmd["text"] = self.message return json.dumps(cmd)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execute the Mattermost webhook call """ if self.proxy: # we only need https proxy for Mattermost, as the endpoint is https self.extra_options.update({"proxies": {"https": self.proxy}}) mattermost_message = self._build_mattermost_message(), data=mattermost_message, headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}, extra_options=self.extra_options)